

[红泥巴村传闻中心]2001年1月28日 4:05


Once upon a time, a boy made a snowman that came to life. The boy brought the snowman in the living room. The boy brought a chair near the fire pleas and the boy switched on T.V. The snow was hot.

Then the snowman and the boy went into the kitchen, the snowman opened the tridge. Then he removed his nose and he put on a banana, pineapple, pear and a cherry.

Then the snowman and the boy went into the mom and dad’s bedroom, the snowman put the rouge on the cheek and then he put on pants a scarf a hat a tie and then he smoke a pipe and then he put on the dad’s teeth.

Then the snowman and the boy went outside, they rode on a motorcycle.

Then the snowman and the boy went after riding on the motorcycle. They ran faster and they flew in the air.

While the snowman and the boy were flying the saw water, aship, house, and a dolphin.

Then the snowman and the boy went flew to the North pole.

The snowman and the boy went at the North pole, they had a party and they danced and they ate. Santa gave a blue scarf to the boy.

Then the sniwman and the boy went home, went the boy got home, he went to sleep.

When the boy woke up in the morning the snowman was melted. The boy felt very sad to see the melted snowman.


来源说明: 《冬令营童话集》幻想篇
原文作者: 艺贝

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