Little Beauty 购买→ ←查看




Little Beauty

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Anthony Browne

Walker Books 2000年01月 出版

库存:> 9

原价:69.0 会员价:62.1

开本:8 装帧:平装

关注年龄: 0~3岁 3~6岁 6~9岁 9~12岁

综合推荐级别: 5.0


This is the heart-warming tale of a gorilla and his tiny friend, from the master picturebook-maker. A very special gorilla is taught a very special skill: sign language. He appears to have everything he needs, but one day he signs that he is said and needs a friend. His keepers bring him a tiny cat called Beauty and the two of them become inseparable. But when the gorilla gets angry and causes damage to the TV, will his keepers think him unfit to be friends with such a small, defenceless animal? Not if Beauty can think fast and prove what a special friendship they share...
红泥巴推荐级别: ★★★★★


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